Dennis B. Arnett
Associate Professor of Marketing
John B. Malouf Professor of Marketing
Texas Tech University
Rawls College of Business
Area of Marketing
(806) 742-2951

Research Interests

My research focuses on two interrelated areas: (1) competition theory and its implications for marketing theory and practice and (2) relationship marketing theory. My research on competition theory uses resource-advantage theory and examines issues related to public policy (e.g., antitrust and the influence of marketing on society) and marketing strategy (e.g., market segmentation strategy and relationship marketing strategy). I have co-authored a number of articles in this area, which have appeared in the Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, the Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, the Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, the Australasian Marketing Journal, and Business Ethics Quarterly. My research in the area of relationship marketing centers on the application of identity theory in relationship marketing contexts. I have co-authored numerous articles in this area, which have appeared in the Journal of Marketing, the Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, the Journal of the Academy of Business Education, Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, the Journal of Leisure Research, the Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, and the International Journal of Sports Marketing & Sponsorship.

Selected publications

Arnett, Dennis B. and Sreedhar Madhavaram (2011), “Multinational Enterprise Competition: Grounding the Eclectic Paradigm of Foreign Production in Resource-Advantage Theory,” Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, forthcoming.

Sandvik, Izabela L., Dennis B. Arnett, and Kåre Sandvik (2010), “The Effects of New Product Development Proficiency on Product Advantage and Business Performance: Evidence from the Norwegian Hotel Industry,” Journal of Travel Research, forthcoming.

Arnett, Dennis B., Debra A. Laverie, and James B. Wilcox (2010), “A Longitudinal Examination of the Effects of Retailer-Manufacturer Brand alliances: The Role of Perceived Fit,” Journal of Marketing Management, 26 (10), 5-27.

Wittmann, C. Michael, Shelby D. Hunt, and Dennis B. Arnett (2009), “Explaining Alliance Success: Competences, Resources, Relational Factors, and Resource-Advantage Theory,” Industrial Marketing Management, 38 (7), 743-756.

Hunt, Shelby D. and Dennis B. Arnett (2006), “Does Marketing Success Lead to Market Success?” Journal of Business Research, 59 (7), 820-828.

Hunt, Shelby D., Dennis B. Arnett, and Sreedhar Madhavaram (2006), “The Explanatory Foundations of Relationship Marketing Theory,” Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 21 (2), 72-87. (Article was awarded the Emerald Literati Highly Commended Award)

Arnett, Dennis B. and Vishag Badrinarayanan (2005), “Enhancing Customer-Needs Driven CRM Strategies: Core Selling Teams, Knowledge Management Competence, and Relationship Marketing Competence,” Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, 25 (4), 329-343.

Arnett, Dennis B., Barry A. Macy, and James B. Wilcox (2005), “The Role of Core Selling Teams in Supplier-Buyer Relationships,” Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, 25 (1), 27-42.

Arnett, Dennis B., Debra Laverie, and Amanda Meiers (2003), “Developing Parsimonious Retailer Equity Indexes Using Partial Least Squares Analysis: A Method and Applications,” Journal of Retailing, 79(3), 161-170.

Arnett, Dennis B., Steve D. German, and Shelby D. Hunt (2003), “The Identity Salience Model of Relationship Marketing Success: The Case of Nonprofit Marketing,” Journal of Marketing, 67(2), 89-105.

Consulting Experience

I have been involved in marketing projects for a wide variety of companies from large multinational organizations to small businesses. I specialize in market research methods. The types of projects that I have worked on include: customer satisfaction surveys, employee satisfaction surveys, internal benchmark studies, public opinion surveys, salesforce effectiveness studies, telephone-based surveys, and theory-based data-mining projects.

Curriculum Vitae